lilspace blog
A lilspace for you to learn, explore and discover content that inspires you to unplug
Clutter doesn’t just pertain to belongings in your junk drawer. From an abundance of overwhelming feelings to a never-ending list of unread emails, clutter causes panic, worry, and anxiety. Yet, when it comes time to give your mind a chance to breathe, we don’t know how. Luckily, there are ways to reset and restore your nervous system. Read on to learn how you can find peace in today’s chaotic world.
When viewing your screentime report feels scarier than an episode of Black Mirror, you know its time to take a break and unplug. Stop your endless scrolling on social media and start spending your time on self-care! There is a world to see and a life to live beyond your screen and these three activities will help you live mindfully, be present, and feel good.
With so much going on in the world, taking a break from your phone and the news is just what the doctor ordered and there is nothing like a little nostalgia and dystopian storytelling to lend some perspective. Schedule a few hours to unplug this week and revisit the classic timeless stories from the books you loved and loathed to read as homework in school.
Screentime has increased by 500% since the pandemic began. Studies show that social media usage can negatively impact mental health and digital detoxing can provide numerous benefits including minimizing anxiety, reducing depression, and increasing self-esteem. Track your minutes spent unplugged from your devices using the lilspace app and earn awesome wellness rewards.
80% of people look at their phones within the first 15 minutes of waking up even though research shows that having a tech-free morning routine can help you to be more productive and feel more confident throughout your day. Instead of grabbing for your phone tomorrow morning, spend your time on yourself by practicing these self-care substitutions.
We are excited to partner with Global Day of Unplugging and #HalfTheStory to unplug from your devices and plug into what lights up your life. Take the pledge to sign-off with thousands of others and join in a global candle lighting ceremony. Level up your tech-free time with this fun DIY tutorial video on creating a beautiful origami flower candle holder.
FOMO is more than a simple fear of missing out its an anxiety-inducing epidemic. Heal your FOMO with JOMO. JOMO or Joy Of Missing Out is the antithesis of FOMO. Instead of scrolling through feeling misery and isolation, JOMO is the guilt-free thrill of saying “no, thanks!” and practicing some screen-free self-care. Practice unplugging and see if your mood improves when you turn your focus from everything you’re missing out on, to the simple joy of being.
I love the idea that any of us can teach not only our kids, but ourselves to use the power of technology for good.
These are some of the tried and true methods I use to keep my relationship with my phone from going from one extreme to another.