5 Self-Care Habits to Replace Checking Your Phone First Thing In The Morning
There are many reasons why it’s easy to spend the first 15-30 minutes of your morning getting sucked into a scrolling abyss after turning off your alarm. During our time asleep, the world has continued turning and your notifications have continued to pile up. It is tempting to want to catch up first thing, we get it! We are all guilty of being slightly addicted to our devices. Smartphone functionality is designed to keep us engaged by giving us small bites of information in the form of notifications, alerts, texts, calls, etc. However, this ongoing stream of information and never-ending pings from notifications have exacerbated our short attention spans and have been known to heighten our anxiety and feelings of FOMO (fear of missing out).
Its not your fault you instinctively reach for your phone every morning, its a habit we have been trained to adopt. In fact, according to IDC Research:
80% of people look at their phones within the first 15 minutes of waking up. It's time we learn some tools to take back our valuable time.
Having an effective morning routine is critical in setting the tone for the rest of your day. According to a 2019 study,
having a routine that makes you feel good can promote productivity and confidence.
By giving yourself the time and attention you deserve, you are consciously committing to making yourself a priority.
It can be hard to make a morning routine without your phone, which is why you shouldn’t have an expectation that the first week you try that you won’t fall back into old habits. If you find yourself falling back into old phone’d patterns, the lilspace app can be a great resource in helping you to achieve your unplug goals by allowing you to set time-specific goals and tracking your minutes spent unplugged that you can then redeem for awesome rewards or donations to your favorite charities.